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- 1952
- Kring Per Albin. Rickard Lindström: Per Albin Hansson. Rec. av Herbert Tingsten, Inf. 22-3, 1952. (
- Eisenhower. John Gunther: "Eisenhower, The man and the Symbol". Allan Taylor: "What Eisenhower thinks". (
- Boswell blir dygdig i Holland. (
- Konsten att leva. The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship Some Notes of Lifemanship (
- Debatten kring Gide fortsätter. (
- Times historia. Om det ursprungliga Times. The 150th Anniversary and Beryond 1912-1948, The Office of the Times. Inf. 5-6, 1952. (
- Lord Northcliffes undergång. Inf. 8-6, 1952. (
- Rysslands enda demokratiska val. Oliver Henry Radkey: The Election to the Russian Constituent Assembly 1917. (
- Litterära omvärderingar. Vilhelm Ekelund: Moralisten och tänkaren. (
- Sherwood Anderson och D.H. Lawrence. (